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Shipping, Returns and Refund policy

Cancellations, Returns and Refunds

Your satisfaction is important to us. That is why we have established this Cancellations, Returns and Refunds policy. If you are not satisfied with your order for any reason, you may cancel the order and return the product if it has already been shipped to you, and receive a full refund. You may do so within 14 days after you receive your order at your shipping address, by contacting us by email. You will be responsible for paying the shipping fees to return the product to us. If the product has already been sent out to you, we will process your refund once we receive the product back.


At this time, we only ship products to addresses at USA. We do not accept orders shipped to P.O. Boxes. Shipping times may vary according to shipping destination. We will endeavor to deliver the products to you within the times presented to you during your order. We do not guarantee that the shipping will not be affected by reasons or issues that we cannot anticipate, or which are not in our control.

At this time, shipping is free of charge. We reserve the right to change this policy and charge for shipping. If we do so, we will update this policy accordingly.

For any question, inquiries, or customer service requests, please contact us by email at .


Last Updated: May 19, 2021